Thursday, October 27, 2011

whats going on...

I've been extremely busy the last 3-4 weeks, but everything has cooled down at least for the moment.

So what ive been up to then....

If I havnt said yet, for my Web Tech class, we are making a web site for the VFW(post 5555). At the moment im in charge of gathering pictures, and more of a non-assignment item, gathering information. At the present time we have a mock up of the home page, and I think someone is working on making mock ups for each page on the navigation bar. But anyway were having the person from the VFW come back so we can talk about what he wants on each page.

2 Ideas that I would personally like to pull off are a facebook page; I noticed that when the rep from the VFW was showing us a few other pages he liked a few had facebook pages.
The other is a meetup page, this comes from seeing that they have a lot of random events going on, and a meetup page would help them organize who is coming and who may be going , however, someone mentioned a calender might be better for that goal, which it may, but we will have to see how the rest of the site turns out.

I decided to drop Programming 2 and do an audit of Programming 1. I feel that I need to get a better understanding of the fundamentals of C++ before I can move on to more advanced things like searching and sorting.

We have been talking about many things in intercultural communications. For the last 2 weeks the topic has been on religion and its part in society, we had to write a paper on one of 3 different choices, mine was on negative portrayals of religion in film. I went further and focused on Atheism because the text book that I am using mentions them once by name and secularists twice(and make the mistake of saying secularists say "there is no god")

There was also an error in our text book that read something like "Moses was the founder of Judaism" My instructor asked me and another student(about another error he found) to write letters to the authors of the book about the errors we found in the book.

That is all for the moment

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